Dec 6, 2023 community-led - economic development - education - leadership - Myanmar staff - Uncategorized - Village Partners - women - womensempowerment

Menstruation is Not a Bad Word

Most community members, particularly women, in rural Myanmar villages lack adequate knowledge of family planning. A lack of effective...
Nov 21, 2023 community-led - economic development - leadership - Myanmar staff - Uncategorized - Village Partners

Pig Farming Continues to Thrive in Myanmar Villages

Despite unstable conditions, travel and trade restrictions, and runaway inflation, our Pig Farm Project has achieved significant success...
Nov 8, 2023 community-led - economic development - leadership - Myanmar staff - Uncategorized - Village Partners

Myanmar’s Thadingyut “Festival of Lights”

Thadingyut Festival took place in Myanmar last week, bringing a sense of gratitude, unity, and celebration to a nation that has undergone...
Oct 27, 2023 community-led - economic development - leadership - Myanmar staff - Uncategorized - Village Partners

Hope and Hopelessness in Siyowi Village

"Don't be afraid of the shadows. It only means there's a light nearby." - Amy Lee Sitting in the Dallas airport, just in from...
Oct 22, 2023 community-led - economic development - leadership - Myanmar staff - Uncategorized - Village Partners

A Tribute to Jeff Markel

A Remembrance Shanta lost a pioneering member of our community this year. Co-founder and former executive director, Mike Karpfen, shared...
Sep 15, 2023 community-led - economic development - leadership - Myanmar staff - Uncategorized - Village Partners

Meet Khun Aung Sein

• How long have you worked with Muditar? What was your first role? I have been employed at Muditar since December 2015, which means I...
Aug 9, 2023 community bank - community-led - economic development - leadership - Uncategorized - Village Partners - zambia

Success Is Best When It Is Shared

Lin Phon village is situated in Pin Laung Township, 29 kilometers from the nearest town. It has 56 homes with a population of 290 people of...
Jul 20, 2023 community-led - economic development - female leaders - leadership - Uncategorized - Village Partners - womensempowerment - zambia

What Exactly is Community-Led Development?

Community-led development (CLD) is the active involvement and participation of local members in the decision-making, planning,...
Jul 5, 2023 community-led - economic development - female leaders - leadership - Uncategorized - Village Partners - womensempowerment - zambia

5 Years Ago- VNM’s Save the Day

Nang Pe’s Story My name is Nang Pe, and I live in Ga Naing Nge West village. I have three children, and my husband is Khun Lan. We...
Jun 9, 2023 community-led - economic development - female leaders - leadership - Uncategorized - Village Partners - womensempowerment - zambia

Meet Janet Nyoni

Meet Janet Nyoni, Program Manager for People’s Action Forum, Shanta’s implementing partner organization in Zambia. How long have you...